Friday did some limbus, just a normal run, and got 4 ancient beastcoins.
Saturday we fought hydra! Exciting fight, but it all went downhill when me and soul died at the same time (on both attempts, got it to 8% first time, 5% second time), it was spamming too much TP, which ended up killing us. Here's some pictures:

Sunday I slept through dynamis - qufim =( I hear bard af2 -1 dropped, and something else.
I've made a few changes to my Paladin gear. Mostly dropping the Koenig Handschuhs and Forest Sash for Valor Gauntlets and Warwolf Belt. This gives me +6 extra enmity with only a loss of 34 HP and 10 CHR (I don't intimidate enough to really make it worth it I don't think)
Here's some pics of gears:
My NIN's HNM Gearset:

PLD/WAR General tanking gearset:

PLD/NIN (For Wyrms and the harder HNMs):

PLD/WAR Kiting gearset:

Nice Ass Pic of Zylia
Is that ALL chr does on the koenig pieces? Somehow I always thought that CHR was linked to enmity in some strange way -- like how 2 str = 1 attack... maybe 2 chr = 1 enm? idk
Why else have it on the koenig set?
But during Dyn-Qufim I noticed that Claudhert was holding hate better than me (with his adaman set), so he died first. I was the last person to die though... USELESS.
CHR on the koenig set is for Killer Effects. CHR Effects the proc rate. If you got a Hrotti, the Dragon Killer effect would go off more than mine would. The only thing that I think CHR has to do with hate is the rate at which hate decays. It wouldn't make sense if CHR was directly tied to enmity though, Aegishjalmr would be pointless (Stats: Enmity +7, CHR-7, HP+25).
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