Yesterday we camped Fafnir, but Element (The new Purpose) got it. I thought they were going to wipe though because it was killing people left and right, moving all around, and they even flailed it once. They ended up killing it though with about 5 minutes left until Hyper. After that we did an Omega Limbus run. Got Homam Corazza and 2 Homam Gambieras. Grats to Moriarti his pimp new body piece, and Daodao and myself on the Feet. These will be great for pld/nin, kiting, and lolDDing. Puts my pld/nin haste total up to 15%, the same as my ninja's -.- Haidates where? D: After that me and soul got a few WS points (I still didn't have Blade: lolKu) but it was late and we logged out.
This morning me and soul both finished up our WS points (He was working on his scythe) and headed out to kill the NMs. We ended up killing 3 of them. 1 for Soul's Spiral Hell, 1 for my Ku, and 1 for Heilger's Evisceration. I also found a guy selling a shitload of coins when we were in Temple of Uggalepih. I bought 38 for 40k each. So after we finished up the WSNMs I went to Port Jeuno and got my much needed Brutal Earring. This pretty much completes my Ninja's DD setup, the only things I'm missing are basically HQ pieces and multi-million pieces. I'll get them someday.
So we headed to the Aery. Fafnir popped second to last window and we finally claimed it! Was a pretty rough fight, he used Hurricane Wing a lot, but we killed it in a little over 30 minutes! Drops:

And I got this:

I find it funny that linkshells like HNMPT call us garbage, but we kill it in 1/2 the time they do and we don't pull asshole moves like calling for help. Whatever though, they're just angry they have more competition now.
After that we headed out to Sea. We tried to pop Ix'DRG but it didn't pop and we called it a night. I got some buffer on my pld, bringing me to 4.2k until capped exp o_o capped exp on pld would be... amazing to say the least. Anyways, I'm out.
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