Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Dynamis - Xarcabard, Sea, CoP, Assaults, and Merits.

Been a busy few days. Dynamis - Xarcabard netted us a pair of Koga Tekko (Grats Achelois), a pair of Monster Gloves (Grats Kinkkerbelle), a pair of Bard's Cannions (Grats Nomar) and a Wyrm Armet (Grats whoever won the freelot). We didn't go for the DL fight but instead tried to farm. We killed a decent amount but wiped on a huge linked pull with about 5 minutes left on the clock. Crappy drops but a fun night I suppose. =(

Monday we popped Jailer of Faith and Ix'Aern(DRK). The Faith fight was our first, and very fun (though lots of EXP loss). The Ix'DRK fight took a while and was mildly fun. Both dropped the pop items though! I hear we're very lucky with our Sea drops, however we haven't gotten any torques. Grats Rigelus on Faith Baghnakhs.

Got a few more merits throughout the week putting me at 66 total merits and capping Katana skill! Time to do some uber damage.

My Static is wrapping up CoP and we did 8-2 yesterday along with getting the map of Hu'Xzoi. Norkio is having some RL problems so we're going on ahead of her. When she's ready to play again I and probably a few people from the static are going to get her her ring as she's a great red mage and shouldn't be left behind that far in.

Did one SP Mamool Ja Staging point Assault yesterday getting me 800 points and an Antivenom Earring which is on the Auction House right now and two Lebros Cavern Assaults today. I'm going to save up my SP Lebros Assault Points to get a Chivalrous chain as I think I've needed one for a while now.

Got a few more merits throughout the week putting me at 66 total merits and capping Katana skill! Time to do some uber damage.

On a more negative note, my friend and linkshell mate Rukkia is quitting the game. He'll be back though I hope :D He's getting burnt out playing the game so many hours each day, and I'm suprised I haven't done the same already. Also our Leader Anaeran is having a tough time with school so his playtime is almost non-existant. The officers are doing a good job keeping the shell alive though. We'll see how things turn out, I'm sure they'll be fine.


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