December 1st: Dynamis San d'Oria. Got lots of AF2:
December 2nd: Sky farming, and I went to Orlando.
December 3rd: Was in Orlando.
December 4th: Got home at like 3am so I missed sea.
December 5th: Nothing that I can remember.
December 6th: Assault/missions/limbus. I can't remember if I was there/what we did/whatever lol
December 7th: Sky stuff maybe? My memory is horrible.
December 8th: Dynamis - Bastok. Owned the zone, but I had to leave early right after the win.
December 9th: Sky farming. I forget what all we got. After that we did 3 KS99's. 1 Loss because he was being a real bitch on stunning me while turning around and getting meteor off >< Drops were Behemoth Hide for Daodao, Behemoth Hide for myself, Damascene Cloth and Harlequin's Horn for Reko (wiped on his orb so we gave him those from my orb), and Behemoth's Tongue for Pauge (He's 1/3 now).
December 10th: Left early as hell in the morning for Orlando yet again.
December 11th: I got home near the end of sea farming and we killed a Jailer of Hope... for a leet Hope staff! -.- I'm never going to get one if soul doesn't get his first lawl.
December 12th: Nothing.
December 13th: Limbus. 3 coins each, THF Upgrade item, and the chip. Almost have 2 full Ultima sets now :D
December 14th: Sky night. Started off by killing Motherglobe, then moved onto Genbu, which dropped crap (w feet and g shield), then 2x Suzaku's which didn't drop great stuff either (I think 2x A Legs and maybe some sune-ates) and finally to byakko. RMT were up there killing him... grr. They traded faster than us the first time and it took them like 30 minutes to kill it. When the ??? re-popped we got it, netting us some Haidates and E. Feet.
Woot, all the headaches CCing RMT gave me finally pay off. So sexy. :D I forgot who got the e feet, no one bidded for them I don't think.
We were also supposed to do a Kirin but it was too late.
December 15th: Dynamis - Windurst. Tons of AF2, including Valor Leggings which I lost lot on and Koga Hatsuburi which I couldn't lot because I was lotting Valor Leggings >< We got like 3 BLMs, 3 SMNs, 4 SAMs, and a bunch of others. A lot of it went freelot. Also, everyone laugh at Wakmidget because he's been wanting Summoner's Spats for a while and we got 3, 1 of which went freelot.
During the passed 2 weeks or so I've been meritting a bit. I'm up to 101 total merits (woot, broke 100!), and 2/5 STR merits (4/9 until 3/5).
I've also been leveling Dark Knight. It's up to 31 now. I've completely stopped using a Scythe, Great Axe is so much better. Nothing like popping out 250-300 damage Souleatered Sturmwinds ;)